Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 2: EDAD 536

My brain is a little tired right now.  Between all of the wonderful apps that my classmates recommended earlier today, and then Doug's energized presentation on the world of possibilities with Google, I needed to go sit in my car for 15 minutes and unplug.  So as not to become overwhelmed and then turn off, I am going to sift through what I need and can use now, and put a pin in the rest for another time.  I just learned invaluable tools for helping not only my students but also my children.  I find myself as a parent disappointed that my kids are not being exposed to all of these great resources in their schools.  It really does take a few individuals to bring these programs and the grant money and resources to a school.  How can I do more?  So I guess I have a case of technology envy right now.  

The quote that kids will spend 10,000 hours on video games--the equivalent of the number of hours a pupil would attend school--echoes Malcolm Gladwell's claim that it takes 10,000 hours to master something--Bill Gates with a computer, for example, in his childhood.  So, how can I turn my son's 10,000 video game hours into something productive?  Or my daughter's TV watching?  How can I divert them, and my students, from the pull of recreational media and into educational media?  How can I make my classroom more exciting using technology, when I only have access to a computer lab once every week or two?  Who do I talk to in my school about requesting clickers, asking for permission to use cell phones as clickers, writing grants for more computers accessible to all?  In short, today was my day of being a little overwhelmed, but also very inspired. I feel like my own children's education is at stake, as well as the education of the hundreds of students I impact every year.

Now, on to exploring some of these programs.


  1. Thanks for your honest reflection, Breck! Sometimes, to unplug and think is the best approach to info overload! In our standardized system, someone needs to be at least a little (if not a lot) "rogue". Doug Bundy's been that in our District and it's paid huge dividends for students and teachers. We're just so big that it makes it harder. Keep pushing, find allegiances who are like-minded and willing to learn, and read about innovative teachers. That inspiration will make an impact!

  2. Ah, yes. I too am struck emotionally by what we were exposed to on Tuesday and Mr. Bundy's visit. The best we can do is to keep asking for what we need and what we see as the future. Perhaps we can join design committees or be more active in our building leadership. Most of all, we have to stay positive and challenge ourselves to conquer the fear. How can I challenge my own children outside of school to turn their interests into something powerful? How can I challenge my class to fall in love with literacy while incorporating the new technological tools. My goal this week is to figure out the free applications that I can put to use on day 1 in the classrooom to "augment" my teaching.

  3. One thought: Ask forgiveness not permission! ;) Start small and just try something completely innovative! Donors Choose is a great place to start for tech grants for the classroom. I have teachers that have gotten thousands and I mean thousands of dollars in stuff - from iPads to smart boards and beyond!! I am impressed by your drive!!
    I too was struck as a parent! I want to help my children be digital citizens! I know that they are natives, but I want them to be appropriate and fluent and productive. It's hard help them navigate something I am an immigrant to when they are natives... ya know!?!

    1. Thanks, Annie. I am going to look at Donors Choose!

  4. "I find myself as a parent disappointed that my kids are not being exposed to all of these great resources in their schools." Isn't that the truth! Maybe if we could get our parents to see the possibilities that we were privileged to see yesterday, they would also feel the feelings you are feeling and they would do everything they could to help bring it into the schools... I feel guilty for the amount of time we spend asking our parents for money, but I believe that they have additional resources that could be helpful... maybe G.Bundy is available to come and talk to parent groups...?
